Sunday, February 20, 2011


When I was a child, I had several imaginary friends. First, there was Bear - he was well known for being blamed when mom asked "Who did it?" Yes, the Bear was the one who ate all the butter, spilled the tomato soup and left toys where they did not belong. Bear lived with us when I was four years old. Shortly after Bear left (I think he was tired of being the fall-guy), Mickie moved in with us. Mickie left the wagon out in the rain and also sat in the seat next to me so my brother could not sit there. Unfortunately, my brother could not see Mickie and often sat on him which could make me very upset. My mother tells me Mickie left when we took him to Florida and they (the parents) convinced him to stay in Florida when we returned home.

Now, around 50 years later, I have hooked up with a wonderful website called Inner Kiddies. The instructions on the website tells us to name our inner child. This inner child is going to take the "blame" for the mistakes I make - like eating too much or not eating the right foods. I have not embraced the idea because I could not come up with a proper name for my inner child.

Today as I did some sprints on the treadmill, my inner child spoke to me. My lovely inner child was trying to convince me to skip my workout and go home. At that point, I decided I need to give this inner child a name and realized the proper name would be Mickie!

So my friends that know me well, my computer is named Gracie, my Nook is Ethel, my Jeep is Yella and my inner child is Mickie. If you hear me talking about the trouble Mickie is causing - you will know who is really to blame.

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