Saturday, January 31, 2009


It was pointed out to me this week that it's been one month since I posted to this blog. I guess my life has finally become boring. Truly, not much has been happening. Stephanie was home for a visit, it was good to see her. Her sister was in town too but we did not see her - so sad. Life is too short to hold grudges. Please keep her in your prayers.

I'm excited about Stephanie's new project. She raised enough money to purchase the equipment to install solar lighting in the mama's house in her village. I hope everything goes according to plan as they install it. Stephanie has also reported she signed up for another year of service with the Peace Corp. She will be home for a visit in August and then her term of service will end in June 2010 - unless she signs for another year again. Who knows with that girl.

I am certainly tired of winter weather. Perhaps next winter I'll go visit Stephanie where the weather is rainy but warm. In the mean time, spring should be here soon. Ground hogs days is next week, we will see what the furry creature has to say...

Weather, Here & There

Here: ------------------------------------------------------ There: