Sunday, March 16, 2014

Random thoughts...

Apparently I am not a consistent blogger. I think about it but other parts of life seem to have priority.  I received a response to a blog post I made three years ago encouraging me to keep writing.  My last post was about Lassie at 4 1/2 months old.  The little girl is seven months old today.  Here is a list of thoughts I have about our little Diva:

  1. Having a puppy is like having a two year old 
  2. No barrier can keep this puppy contained
  3. She is curious.  It is best to keep the dining room chairs tucked in or moved far away from the table
  4. If #3 doesn't work, don't leave anything unattended on the table
  5. Socks are toys, at least in her little mind
  6. No matter how many dog toys I buy, cat toys are more fun. 
  7. Empty oatmeal containers rank high in the list with socks and cat toys
  8. Ice cubes are terrific treats
  9. Going for walks in January only work if we have time for a bath after the walk.
The little girl has obedience class today, an appointment at the groomer Tuesday and is scheduled for surgery Wednesday.  Time to get snipped so we don't have any more puppies running this house.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Making a t-shirt Quilt

The first T-Shirt memory quilt I made was for my daughter.  I measured the designs on the front and backs of her shirts saved from elementary, middle and high school then cut graph paper to make a model of the quilt. It all fit nicely and the 4+ pages of graph paper taped together hung on the back of my bedroom door for years.  When I finally got the nerve to cut the shirts, I was amazed at how quickly the shirts went together.  I started the procrastination when she was a freshman in college (2003) and gave her the finished quilt her senior year, last semester (2006). All of the work, except design, was completed in 2006 and probably took a couple of weeks.

I am now in possession of a friend's t-shirts.  The designs, front and back have been cut out and measured.  Little rectangles of graph paper have been cut to scale, fabric has been purchased.  I have been playing with the layout.  As soon as the little rectangles fit together I will submit the design for final approval.  Then, the real fun begins.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Lassie at 4 1/2 months old

I have had many pets but I have to say our girl Lassie is so different from all the rest.  I don't know if it because she is so small or if it is her personality but, in my humble opinion, she is wonderful. I am thankful da hubs wanted another dog.

This Saturday will be the 6th puppy obedience class.  Lassie will graduate and advance to intermediate class.  She has learned to sit, lay down and is working on stay and leave it.  She can also walk with the leash loose between us if she has walked off some energy and she knows I have a treat in my left hand AND there are no distractions..

On her own she has also learned to shake hands and will roll over if she is in the mood.  She loves to bark, something I would love to train her NOT to do.  Piddle pad training is going quite well, as long as she is confined to the family room area.  If she has free range of the house she either forgets where she is supposed to go or can't make the distance.
Happy New Year!  The last two days have been busy days for me.  I have cleaned and organized my sewing cave and cleaned part of the laundry room by moving the pantry out and moving a deacons bench in.  I was surprised at the amount of expired door crammed in the pantry.

I also spent a little time cutting up t-shirts, the first step to making a memory quilt for a friend.  Once her quilt is finished, I have t-shirts from the kids.  Maybe they will get new quilts before the end of the year.

All in all, it's been a good year thus far

Weather, Here & There

Here: ------------------------------------------------------ There: