Saturday, September 18, 2010


I have a confession to make. When I was 16 I could not tell time very well. My mother bought me a watch for my 16th birthday that did not have all of the numbers on the face. I lost that watch on purpose because I could not tell time on it. My mother knew I had a problem but, on the advise of the cranky watch salesman, bought the watch for me anyway.

Fast forward - I still need all of the numbers on the watch (or clock) to tell time. I don't like the look or feel of a digital watch - it looks more like a tool than a piece of jewelry. So, for many years I've been buying watches with the face full of numbers. Two years ago I had a terrific watch. The face was just big enough so I could read the little numbers but not so big that it dominated my arm. I gave that watch to my darling daughter when we went to visit her overseas. I have not worn a watch since - until a couple of weeks ago.

I spotted a nice little watch on sale for under $12.00. Did I mention, it's a little watch. Small enough but actually too small because I do have to put my glasses on to read the dial. Anyway, I leave the watch in a place so I remember to put the watch on every morning. I wore that watch everyday but did not realize I did not use the watch much.

This fact became very apparent to me at the fitness center late one afternoon. I was on the treadmill, pushing myself past my limit when I decided I should check my pulse rate. I glanced down to check my watch and realized the watch was upside down - and had been that way all day!

Do I really need to wear a watch?

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