Monday, April 18, 2011

Spring Time is Sick Time

Allergy season is back!

A little over a week ago I started experiencing a mild sore throat.  Last week the sore throat spread to an ear ache, sore throat, light head, dizzyness, 2 ear aches and an overall feeling of the yuckies.  I spent 5 days curled up on the couch doing as little a possible, sleeping and reading books.

Last night I had an extremely vivid dream.  It was so real that upon waking after the dream, I was very disoriented and had trouble remembering where I was.  I dreamed I was a teenager again, living in my parents home.  I had been sick and decided I would go to school tomorrow.  After telling my mom I planned to go to school tomorrow I asked her if I could borrow her car.  She told me I was always welcome to borrow her car but I had a car of my own, why couldn't I drive that.  Oh yes, I remembered, I owned a yellow jeep, never mind, I will drive the yellow jeep.  Then I asked my mom for directions since I had never driven to the high school.  Right after that I woke up.  I have no idea why I remember this dream so clearly, maybe because I laid in bed so long trying to figure out why I didn't know the directions to the high school and also trying to figure out where I was. 

Anyway, I decided I didn't care how I felt in the morning, I was going to get out of bed and go to work.  Enough of this feeling sorry for myself.

Thanks to Revlon, Clinique and Aveeda, I managed to conceal how miserable I actually felt.  I worked in a fog for most of the day, came home and then immediately left again to go to the gym where I tanned for 10 minutes and then walked the treadmill for 40 minutes.  After that the dear hubby took me out for a sandwich.

Here's hoping my dear friends Revlon, Clinique and Aveda help me pull this miracle off again tomorrow.

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