Thursday, July 10, 2008

Week Four, Homework Banner

The banner at the top of the page was created with a width of 500 and the height is 300. My first step was to create the background. I used the pattern "Beach", Angle 45, Scale 25. I changed the scale & angle to 75 and 307 and accidentally discovered I could fill over the fill. I liked the effect so I left it that way. My next steps were as follows:

1) Using preset shapes, drew an ellipse going from top left to bottom right
2) Selected text, fill: yellow, stroke: red, font: Kristen, 48 pt, centered curved on top of ellipse, typed "Vacation 2008"
3) Hid the Ellipse
4) Drew another Ellipse from left bottom to top right
5) Selected Text again, using the defaults from previous, typed "to Vanuatu"
6) Adjusted location of text
7) Hid the 2nd ellipse
8) Selected text, switched so fill is red & stroke is yellow, size=28, centered between previous text, typed "from Michigan to"
9) Chose picture frame "edge fun"
10) Selected Layers with text and chose effects/3d effect/inner bevel
11) On same layers with text chose effects 3d effect/drop shadow
12 Added a border, the color was picked from the outline on the sea shells in the background

I probably missed something in the steps above but I'm sure you can see the final result above. Can't wait to start vacation so I have pictures to edit and post!

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Weather, Here & There

Here: ------------------------------------------------------ There: