Friday, February 15, 2008

Mid-Winter Break

Today is the start of mid-winter break. No school today or Monday. Slept in today, going to finish that jacket, do some laundry, dust (furniture & floors) and relax today. I'll probably accomplish the relaxing part but procrastinate the rest.

I also need to pack a box for Steph and go the the post office to mail her box and my B-Swap box - can't talk too much about what's in the B-Swap box until partner has receive it..... pictures will be posted later with a more complete description. If you are curious, visit , in the forums section find B Swap, I think it's listed in the contests section. It's a fun way to brighten a gray February. Hmmm, reminds me, I'll be receiving a box of B items too. Wonder what will be in my box????? How's the shopping going Saylaveev?

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Weather, Here & There

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