Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Slippery Roads

I left work today and headed for home. The roads were snowcovered and slushy but I didn't fishtail or slip a bit. I drove carefully, even switching to two lane less traveled streets and avoiding the busier main street. Didn't encounter a probelm until I exited one city and entered the next. At that point my driving habits didn't change but I almost did a donut as I turned off one street. I was extremely caution at the intersection I nearly slid through yesterday - managed to stop but I doubt the guy 1/2 block away could have stopped so I proceeded through the interesection. The last stop sign before our little community is always slippery, many cars have landed in snowbanks so, I approached the intersection slowly - only to have the Jeep slip slide towoard the ditch. Managed to avoid that catastrophe but needless to say, I'm home in my PJ's. Don't feel like venturing out again, not even to go to the Y for aqua fit class.

Guess I'll go sew a sleeve on the new jacket. Maybe even find time and patience to sew the side seams.

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